Sunday, July 5, 2015

It's all about me!

Is it just me or does anyone else hate rolling out of bed and doing…anything? No, I am not depressed, I am just tired! It seems like every time it is my turn to get up early and go for a run it either rains or the kids want to sleep in! Seriously!  It’s true! But when Marc runs, the kids are up with the birds or not long after! Anyway, this is not about Marc, it’s about me!

So I turned off my alarm (finally), got ready and headed out for my run. I left my house in Mount Pearl and ran to the Tely 10 finish line and then preceded to Coffee Matters down town, for a grand total of 12.12km’s, thank you very much! Kiley, who already had 16 km’s in, ran the last bit with me and for the love of god never again! I only had to run around the corner to touch the Tely sign and then on to coffee Matters and my pace was much faster than ever! Mind you, Kiley was practically walking! But never mind Kiley, this is about me! (But thanks for buying me my tea!)

I have to say, I had a really good run this morning, just me and my music. Yada yada yada I know, I know I shouldn't run with my Ipod but I have to listen to music, it keeps me going. And when you get that one song that helps you get up that hill, or past that intersection, or one more KM, it feels good. Listen, I have tried to run music free, but for someone who runs slower than an elephant stuck in peanut butter I need something to keep me going.  I really do!

Now, for the people saying, “why not run with someone?” Well, because I end up running then stopping, running again, complaining, dancing and probably skipping! Isn’t that right, Shelley and Gina?? I even had someone stop the other day while we were at the intersection to see if I needed any music! And when I run with people they don’t appreciate my singing! I’m pretty sure I can rap just as well as Eminem, if not better.

My playlist gets me through my runs; I enjoy the “quiet time” and consider this my “me time”.  Don’t get me wrong, I also enjoy after the runs where we all have a chat and drink coffee/tea!  I know that the PRC'ers are always there waiting at the finish line ready to cheer me on (when I am running and not taking pictures). Like I said before, the group runs get me out of the house to run. If it wasn’t for the group I would probably be on the couch watching yet another episode of The Big Bang Theory. I love that show by the way!

So on a side note, I bought a new pair of Saucony sneakers today and I am very excited to try them out!

Well, that is enough about me for now, stayed tuned for my next run when I get to try out the new sneaks!