Tuesday, August 2, 2016

That Tely 10 was hard!

New day, new month. There are so many changes that are going to happen.  I am going to train harder for the half marathon in September. I even said I would do the Cape 2 Cabot training runs with Crazy Shelley and Hard Core Lori. If Paula’s knee holds up she will join us too. I am going eat better by tracking all my food in My Fitness Pal. And I am going to look for another job since I quit my job on Monday. Sometimes you just have to do what feels right and when you have 100% support from your family you know it was right decision.

So back to running, I ran the Tely 10 for the 3rd time this past July and it was by far the hardest run I have ever done.  The day before a race that Marc and I both run we try and get the girls to sleep over to their grandparents or drop them off in the morning. So this race my parents took my kids camping with them and to my kids surprise they took my niece as well. So I called my brother to figure out who was bringing back the kids when we got on the topic of running the tely. Robert was asking me what I wanted to run it in.  I told him my goal this year was to get in under 2 hours but if it was hot out I just wanted to beat my time from last year which was around 2:06. 

Robert is much faster than me and I didn’t want to slow him down but he insisted he would run with me and we would get my predicted Tely time of 1:50. This means I would probably die and not live to tell the story. Did I mention Robert is an ironman? Ya seriously. A few years ago when he was training, he started at the finish line than ran to Tely start line THEN ran the Tely. Something. I . would. Not. Do.

The conversation ended when Robert said, “If I see you at the start line I will run with you.”  I was thinking sure by! You will find me in 5000 people.  Well  people, he found me.  We had a chat. Joked around about me getting under 2 hours. I laughed and said noooo that means I need to keep a steady pace of 6:30! That is nuts. I don’t run like that!

So we started running, it was good. Nothing to it. Then it rained. Rained a lot. Then it stopped raining. Then it got hot. Then it got hotter. Then I felt like stopping. Then it got hotter. Robert was giving a play by play on what our time was and what kind of buffer we had.  We were “ok” until the last few km’s. I was done. I had nothing left in me. Nothing. Robert was ahead of me for a bit trying to get me to run faster. Ya that didn’t happen. I didn't get under 2 hours but I did get a personal best of 2:02:31, I am happy with that.

I had some toe issues (again) after the run so my first run was tonight with Shelley and Lori. It was a much slower pace but I didn’t stop and I felt pretty good going around Octagon Pond and I normally hate running around that pond.

Until next time…

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