Monday, October 12, 2015

Learn To Run

This week its back to learn to run, only this time its with my 13 year old daughter. What a group of people, there is never a shortage of participants in the LTR program; they must hear about how awesome we are (wink,wink). It's so nice to see so many people come out and I applaud you all; you have a super group of leaders to take you through the program for the next 8 weeks. I wish I had a LTR group when I started running, my only company was the voice from my iPhone app "Couch to 5K" - which I could change from a male or female voice depending on my mood.

My daughter often expressed interest in running. I think it's more about following me than the actual running, but that's okay at least she's active. I have tried to encourage her interest and hoped she would catch the running bug too.  In the past I registered her for some 5K races like the Five and Dime, Uniformed Services Run, and the Santa Shuffle. However, conversations usually consist of "I have a stitch, can we walk, can you slow down" (said no one ever) - and that comment would actually feel good if it wasn't coming from my 13 year old. After the Santa Shuffle it was "don't ever ask me to do that again." Oops no Mom of the Year Award for that one. I obviously didn't scare her off - she's back for more.

The first week of LTR and we're off to Neil's pond.  I answered more questions throughout the run that she was almost done before she realized what was happening. I haven't heard I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm impressed! She's more interested in when she can get a PRC shirt and now she found a running buddy, thanks Connie for signing Kiera up.

So for all the new LTRs (my daughter included) keep going and with patience and hard work you will be running 5K before you know it.  Everyone has to start somewhere and this is just the beginning to a great running experience with the support of an entire group behind you.

Next week Cape to Cabot will be behind me (Thank Goodness) and I'll be a consistent member of LTR for the next 7 weeks.  Good luck on your runs and see you on the trails.

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