Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm NOT running 7km

I wasn't going to make it to the group run on Tuesday (I had tickets to go see Danny Bhoy) so when my husband came home at 3:00 in the afternoon and suggested we go for a run, I took him up on the offer.

As we are heading out the door he nonchalantly says, "I'll run 10k and you can do 7k." I haven't run more than 5k since October. "I'm not running that far," was my response.

We started out at PBD and went right to Kinder. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful feeling to be outside even with the biting wind on the top of the hill. Andrew would run ahead and then circle back to meet me as we made our way around the Topsail Pond area, him running in all the side roads while I stuck to the main drag.

As I headed down Three Island Pond Road I started calculating my distance and planning my turn around point. My sports tracker announced the 3k mark and doing math in my head, I figured I could turn around in about another 1/2k and have 5km under my belt.

But the guard rail is just ahead, so I figured I'd run to the guardrail and then head back.

Made it to the guardrail. I must be close to 4km now right? Might as well wait for the 4k announcement from my phone and then go back. I'll be closer to 6km by the time I'm done but that's fine.

4km. Where is Andrew? I have to let him know I've turned around. I'll just run ahead a little further and see if I can find him.

Oh, there he is, running behind me. Turning around now.

I get back to PBD and check the distance on my phone. 6.95km. Seriously??? Now I have to keep going to make that 7km.

It felt good to finish that distance, even though I had no plans to run that far. That's one of the many reasons I love running with PRC. No matter who you run with you are always encouraged to keep going and are offered support every step of the way. I didn't run with my usual buddies but I could hear you all pushing me forward to reach a goal I didn't feel up to doing.

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