All day Thursday the weather was crappy so I knew I wouldn't be running with the group. I planned on getting on the treadmill but conveniently forgot all about it until my husband came home and reminded me. I suggested we run on the track at the field house instead and he was all for it.
My GPS doesn't work inside the field house so I didn't have any feedback on how my run was going. I felt like I was pushing harder than I have been lately but I was still being passed by everyone else. This doesn't bother me anymore - I run for me and not for anyone else.
After 20 laps I thought I was going to die so I figured I had run enough. I looked at the distance chart and calculated that I had run 4.54 km in 28 minutes, which works out to about a 6 minute pace. No wonder I was ready to keel over. I've never reached that speed before. Had I known I was so close to doing 5k in 30 minutes I think I would have tried for 2 more laps. I never thought I would reach that milestone but I was pleased that it now might be within reach.
Of course there's always the possibility that I miscalculated or miscounted. But I prefer to think that all the winter running I've done while wearing 15 layers of clothing has made me a stronger, better runner. I just need some nice, warm weather to prove it.
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