I know, I know. Silly question right? Yes, of course it is now. Three years ago though I had no idea what I was doing. I remember it was the middle of December and I was sitting in the living room looking at the website on my laptop. I asked my Husband Jim what he thought of the idea. You see, I live in Kilbride, the Club is in Paradise and I can only make weekend runs. "If you want to try it, go for it." He told me. I still had doubts. let me take you back for a second...
Five years ago, I was at my heaviest of 200 lbs and I felt like I was dying, no joke. After a doctors appointment and blood work, I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid. Once on medication, I also had my weight issue to deal with. It's not easy to start exercising when you don't feel well but I purchased a treadmill and started using it 6 days a week. This is where my running started and over time, the weight came off and I started thinking about running the Tely 10. Most of the time though when I talked of my running people said things like, "But you just run on a treadmill." ( to a lot of people treadmill running doesn't count I guess) Well, problem solved when my treadmill broke and I finally had to hit the streets until it could be fixed. Not running wasn't an option. It took a little getting use to at first and I was nervous running alone but once I had a taste of what I was missing...I needed more.
With doubts about my ability to run with the club members (because I mostly used a treadmill for running), I joined a wonderful group of people for a run one cold Saturday morning in February. I didn't even wait for nice spring or summer weather! I had no idea what I was in for but I tagged along with a great group of girls for 8K that morning. Everyone was welcoming and I loved every minute of it!
I have ran a number of 5K and 10K races to date. 3 Tely 10's, 4 Half Marathons, 2 Cape to Cabot's and l finished my first Marathon almost two years ago! Let me tell you, I would not have done it without the support of the club and the wonderful friends I have found by joining. They sometimes believe in me more than I believe in myself. Fist bumps after runs, cheers as you cross finish lines, and let's not forget the chats over coffee after a run are things that make PRC great!
As I blog this month I may have to take you all back in time with me at least once more. Some of my very first runs with PRC were memorable and I remember them like it was yesterday. I would also like to think that maybe there is someone out there on the fence like I was who may read this and finally join a running club. We all have to start somewhere right?
PRC... "Should YOU join?"... ABSOLUTELY!!!!
Tonia Kennedy
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