Wednesday, February 15, 2017

My Biggest fan

I know this wasn’t in my list of things I wanted to talk about, but I decided I wanted to give a little tribute to my mother.  Unfortunately my mother lost her battle to cancer on January 30th, 2017.  I don’t want to get into anything about her illness or the journey, because this is not the time or the place, but I did want to share a little bit about her.

I remember mom telling me a story once, I had a concert in kindergarten, and she did anything and everything to get time off work for it. But alas she could not. At the end of the concert they asked the families to come up on stage and dance with their children. As Dad was away, I ended up dancing with another family. Well mom was livid (her word) when she found out and gave it to her boss. She then vowed she would make every event her sons had.

And she did.

Mom was there for bowling tournaments, end of the year soccer games, every regatta in St. John’s, Portugal Cove and Harbour Grace. She was at my first Tely and only never made it to the others because she couldn’t get the bus down to the finish line.  And when I would check my phone after every road was, there was always a message from my mother asking me how my race was.  Even when she found out she had cancer, she waited to tell me until after the Cape to Cabot because she wanted to make sure I did my best and wasn’t distracted by the news. She was truly my biggest fan and I will miss her dearly.

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