Training for the Tely and Maritime race weekend has officially started, with weekly increased distance runs, hill repeats and our long runs during the weekends. Boy was I ever in for a treat when training started. I admit hill repeats were not as bad as I thought and I kind of like them, that's kind of, not totally there yet. So yesterday myself, Shelley, Lori and Renee started out on our long run of 11k planned by the boss herself Shelley. I'm convinced she was secretly trying to kill me but half way during our run she pulled out a bag of rice krispies so I knew she was trying to keep me alive. The route took us in back of Neils pond over to octagon pond up topsail road to paradise road ... and yes I said paradise road. Well when I reached paradise road I thought to myself she cant honestly expect me to run THAT. That hill is huge and when your running it, it feels like its never ending. So picture this ..... your at the bottom its 20 degrees heat and you slowly start your run up, and by slowly I mean your feet are barely moving. I get to the middle and its like the hill got longer, that's when I gave into the hill and started to walk. BUT by the time this summer is over I will conquer that hill, it ain't over yet between us. The walk felt long but I made it, and I saw the girls stopped, waiting for me I assumed and then it happened ....... the hates to heaven opened, angels sang wonderful songs, harps played and sugar was there. I could swear at one point he looked similar to Jesus but that may have been the heat and the hill getting to me by then. Sugar Had his truck parked with the tail gate down .... there was ice, Gatorade, and even little baggies with wet cold paper towel in them. It was like heaven, we made a quick pit stop and was on our way again with maybe 2k left. That pit stop was just what I needed to get me through the last few kilometres. Thanks sugar, we will be sure to send you our routes for the remainder of our long runs !!
I'm sure as time goes on ill get stronger and be able to take on the hills, with the help of Shelley, Renee and Lori I'm pretty sure the tely and maritime race weekend is gonna be 2 races ill never forget and have the most fun doing no matter the distance when your running with your best friends and a few rice krispies anything is possible.
Way to "G.O. Gal " You & all your Running Friends are truly Motivated " Proud of ya Paula " Hard Work + Dedication = Process