Tuesday, July 14, 2015


So for those who don’t know me or much about me, it took a huge leap out of my comfort zone to write this blog. Marc even thought it was strange for me to write the blog for July. Don’t get me wrong, I am not shy and I will ask or answer pretty much any question but I don’t like putting myself out there in the internet land.   

I have been a type 2 diabetic for a little over two years and I hate it. I just love pizza and chips way to much to be a diabetic. Really though! Ask Marc, I am a total carboholic.  Chips scream out my name when I walk into the grocery store.  Since being on Weight Watchers I choose the baked salt and vinegar chips, you know, the healthy ones!  In all seriousness, I have been tracking my food and working hard on exercising and eating better. 

I had a doctor’s appointment today to check on how the ol’ diabetes is treating me.  In January I was on three different drugs (this is the stuff I don’t like putting out in the internet world). Yes, you read right. THREE. I had to take 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening and then one injection (not insulin) before I went to bed. That is 5 in total, crazy right?! Well, when I started weight watchers my sugars were dangerously low.  A couple times before I went to bed I felt sick and took my sugars and they were 2.2! This is when the carb overload kicks in! Bring on the candy and fast!  This is when I decided to wean myself of one particular drug, the most expensive one.  I was starting to forget to take my meds daily but I was still checking my sugars, they were not bad. 

So back to my appointment, I thought for sure I was going to get in trouble for not taking all my meds. Disclaimer: DO NOT COME OFF YOUR MEDS UNLESS DIRECTED BY YOUR DOCTOR OR APPARENTLY ME.  I waited for my Dr. to go over my blood work and he was really pleased! He asked me about one drug I was on and I told him I didn’t mind it and all was good. He asked about another and I told him I was not taking it anymore. He was ok with that. My heart was starting to go back to normal. Then he asked about the drug I was taking two in the morning, two in the evening and I told him I was only taking one. He was surprised and said, “So you are only taking two pills a day?” I replied with a nervous smile and said, “Yes.”  I thought for sure I was going to get a lecture but I never! My Doctor was awesome and said, “Well it is working for you so keep it up.”  I was happy to hear! My AIC’s are exactly where he wants them and my fasting sugars have improved dramatically! So in 2.5 months I went from taking 5 meds a day to taking 2 meds a day. Pretty cool, hey!?

It might take a while to get motivated but it will happen. Once you see results, you will want to push yourself a little harder. I can honestly say I am motivated now. I enjoy running and I enjoy how I feel. I had a massage tonight and like I said in my last post, I was not missing this. My body hurts! I decided I was going to run there but it is only down the road so I ran around my subdivision and then down Topsail Road, I ended up running 4km.  I could have driven there but I chose to run there. Shout out to Debbie Cheeseman at the Mount Pearl Wellness Centre, she is simply awesome!

I forgot to mention that I bought two more pairs of Saucony Hurricanes sneakers! They were on sale. Enough said right!? I couldn’t decide what colour I wanted so I had to get both pairs. It is not like I won’t wear them! 

That is all for now, see you on the trails on Thursday!

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