About one year ago a little group of us proposed a 14k run from the Woodstock to Three Island Pond turnaround then to Topsail Highway via Buckingham Drive ... finishing with a 2k gentle incline back at the Woodstock. We figured it might be a good idea to have some muffins and coffee at the finish after the gruelling climb up Topsail Hill. And so the 'bun run' was born.
It is amazing how little ideas often grow to take on lives of their own. It was zero degrees this morning as I approached the Woodstock parking lot just before 8AM. There were quite a few vehicles there already. There would be more to come from Paradise and surrounding areas. We did a brief warm-up. No that would be a lie. Most of us just hopped out of the cars and took off.
We had to face an incline to begin our journey. Not long but a tough way to start a run. Calves were cold. Definitely need to warm up for this one next time. Once we got to the duck pond at Topsail Pond the route flattened out. It was a glorious morning for a group run. Of course isn't it always? Pace was checked and re-checked. 5:45 to 5:50. Just right. We reached the turnaround at Three Island Pond in about 25 minutes. The lead group had waited for us and we in turn waited for the next group. This helps keep everyone together and makes for a more enjoyable run for all. No one is left behind.
On our return to Buckingham we passed a couple of teenagers having a chat by the guardrail ;-)
They seemed to know us from a recent trip to Niagara. Pace was again checked - 5:35! Time to rein it in just a little. The run was flying by this morning. The promise of food and coffee at the end is a always great motivator.A brief regroup at the base of Kinder Drive and we were off for the last 6k. A quick uphill and we were on Fowler's Rd headed for Topsail and our final leg back to the Woodstock.
Topsail Hill seemed to know we were on a mission today. There was very little traffic and the road seemed to flatten out a bit as we ran. Our uphill portion was run at a steady 6:20 pace. Once we reached Marie's mini mart we could see our destination. The lead runners decided to continue past there to round off the kilometres. Not us. 14.7k was a perfect number this morning. 1:25 was our time for a 5:48 pace. We were quite pleased considering this is somewhat hilly route. The lead group finished at a 5:30 pace. Those behind us reached the Woodstock only a minute or two later as well.
It was a great run by everyone.
Those who ran an 11k today were at the parking area to greet us and to share coffee, muffins and buns. 20 runners in total were on hand for the tailgate party. Runfies were taken but they weren't needed today as Kiley D joined us for this special group run. Our little bun run has become an event that PRC looks forward to! We may soon have to ask the Woodstock to cater it for us.
Have a great last week of November and as always...see you on the road.
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